April is Month of the Military Child and we do not want to leave out our DES staff!"

April is the month of the Military Child!

April is the month of the Military Child!

After feeling TWISTED from testing and SALTY from the stress, teachers and staff got a much KNEADed break as they celebrated National Pretzel Day on Friday, April 26. Students even got to 🐾 Paws and Play 🐾 with Pretzel 🐶, a future therapy dog and frequent visitor at the school. Such fun days and treats would KNOT be possible without the support of our amazing community partners all year long. 🥨

Over the last two weeks, Ms. Collins' class has been busy working on research projects. During week one, we researched the most popular spring animals on Pebblego, wrote opinion papers, and students recorded their writings on Flip! They also drew a picture of their favorite spring animal. Students then listened to each others recordings and displayed their pictures for the class.
The class had so much fun with our research project the 1st week that we decided to extend the lesson for a second week. Students chose their favorite animal to research, wrote an opinion paper, drew a picture, and created a Google slide to present new learning to the class! 🍎

Earlier in the school year, during Halloween, Mrs. Parramore’s 2nd grade class read Pumpkin Jack and carved a pumpkin with their 5th grade book buddies from Mrs. Daniels’ class. Just like in the story, when the pumpkin started to rot, it was thrown outside to decay, with the hope of growing their own pumpkin plant. Well, guess what? Spring has come and just like the story, Pumpkin Jack is back! Wish them luck as they begin to care for their pumpkin plant. We are hoping to have a new Pumpkin Jack by October.

Mrs. Menard’s and Mrs. Boykin’s class had a wonderful fun Friday! They ended the week with the arrival of their self designed end of the year shirts. They also celebrated becoming published authors and enjoyed National Pretzel Day! Mrs. Menard showed her students how to play Go Fish and Memory match with a class custom made set of cards. Lots of fun in store as they begin to wrap up their year in kindergarten. This will Mrs. Menard’s final year at Dewar as she and her family gear up for military move #8.

April is the month of the Military Child!

April is the month of the Military Child!

Dine to Donate at Texas Roadhouse on Wednesday, May 1!

After researching our favorite animals on Epic and writing opinion papers, students in Mrs. Ahuna's class recorded their writings on Flip! They also had a chance to draw and watercolor a picture of their favorite animal. Students then listened to each others recordings and presented their pictures.

We are celebrating Operation Wildflower: Rooted, Resilient, and Ready to Fly this month for Month of the Military Child. This morning, Dewar’s Deployment Breakfast Club met with volunteers from Moody to provide support and community for our kids with parents who are, or will, be deployed this semester or are preparing for summer moves to new stations. We want to recognize our military kids’ sacrifice and bravery. Don’t forget to thank a military kid today!

April is the month of the Military Child!

April is the month of the Military Child!

Happy Secretarys Day!!
On this special day, we want to extend our heartfelt appreciation to Mrs. Lindsay Faircloth and Mrs. Erin Wacter, our amazing Dewar Elementary School secretaries. These wonderful ladies keep our school running smoothly behind the scenes. Their warm smiles, helpful assistance, and organizational skills are the backbone of our school community. From greeting visitors and answering phones to managing schedules and supporting teachers and students, they handle countless tasks with grace and efficiency. Their dedication and hard work make our school a welcoming and well-functioning place for everyone. Thank you for your tireless efforts, kindness, and commitment to our school. We are truly grateful for all that you do!

To celebrate our amazing secretaries at Dewar, fifth grade showed their appreciation by providing them with a breakfast cart to start their day!! Thank you for all you do for us every day!

Two fifth grade students from Dewar Elementary were honored at the LEIF Awards Ceremony. CJ Swinson received the One Lowndes Lowndes Award for exhibiting good citizenship and showing kindness to everyone. Noelle Thompson received the award for Most Improved Student at Dewar. We are so very proud of both of these star students!

Wear RED this Friday, April 26th!

April is the month of the Military Child!

PGM Girls' Volleyball tryouts will be held at Pine Grove Middle in the gym. If parents have any questions, they can email Coach Amy Broad at amybroad@lowndes.k12.ga.us.