Teacher and Leader Quality
The mission of the Department of Teacher and Leader Quality is to ensure success for both new and veteran teachers and the development of a pool of leader candidates. Day to day operations include:
Providing training in the statewide evaluation system (TKES/LKES/GaLeads) for both teachers and leaders;
Managing the system’s SEEDS Induction Program for new teachers ;
Facilitating a districtwide aspiring leaders program;
Facilitating a new leaders mentoring program;
Providing training for mentor teachers ;
Conducting classroom visits and informal observations to support induction teachers;
Managing and monitoring endorsement applications for certified employees;
Assisting in planning, organizing, and implementing professional learning training for teachers and leaders;
Planning, scheduling, and managing professional learning at the district level;
Managing the Title II-A budget in the Consolidated Application.

Dr. Tenry Berry
Director of Teacher and Leader Quality