School Nursing

Margie Davis, RN, is the School Nurse Coordinator for Lowndes County Schools. 

School nurses oversee the emotional, mental, physical, and social health of students. They provide students with basic health services throughout the school day. School nurses also manage students who have chronic health conditions and students with disabilities. This includes giving them medication as needed and working with parents and teachers to create and enforce care plans.

7 Core Roles that the School Nurse Fulfills to Foster Child and Adolescent Health and Educational Success.

  1. The school nurse provides direct care to students. The school nurse provides care for injuries and acute illness for all students and long-term management of students with special health care needs.

  2. The school nurse provides leadership for the provision of health services. As the health care expert within the school, the school nurse assesses the overall system of care and develops a plan for ensuring that health needs are met.

  3.  The school nurse provides leadership for the provision of health services. As the health care expert within the school, the school nurse assesses the overall system of care and develops a plan for ensuring that health needs are met.

  4. The school nurse promotes a healthy school environment. The school nurse provides for the physical and emotional safety of the school community by monitoring immunizations, ensuring appropriate exclusion for infectious illnesses, and reporting communicable diseases as required by law.

  5. The school nurse promotes health. The school nurse provides health education by providing health information to individual students and groups of students through health education, science, and other classes.

  6. The school nurse serves in a leadership role for health policies and programs. As a health care expert within the school system, the school nurse is a leader in the development and evaluation of school health policies.

  7. The school nurse is a liaison between school personnel, family, health care professionals, and the community. The school nurse participates as the health expert on the IEP and 504 teams.

School Care Student Health Registration

School Care Student Health Registration

Lowndes County Schools uses SchoolCare as the school district’s digital health platform. SchoolCare allows parents to access and update their children's health information online at any time. SchoolCare is used for all student health registration, medication and treatment authorization, and school nurse record keeping. We collect all health information digitally via SchoolCare. This program will provide for an effective flow of communication between the school nurse and families. 

All legal guardians with accurate email addresses in Infinite Campus receive an email from SchoolCare at the beginning of the school year, at the time of registration, or when an email address is updated in Parent Portal. Sign up using the direct link emailed to you from or 
at this site

If you have never received an email, please add your email address in Parent Portal, update at centralized registration located at the board of education, or with the front office staff at your child’s school. 

SchoolCare adheres to the strictest HIPAA and FERPA privacy compliance regulations and never shares student health information.

SchoolCare Flyer


Parent Information Flyer

For information on how to navigate SchoolCare watch this video.