Online Learning Classes
The Lowndes County School System recognizes the importance of our students becoming independent, life-long learners, and one aspect of this goal is allowing students to work through classes in an online environment. Recognizing that the business community, colleges, and universities seek graduates whose high-level digital skills match their ongoing professional and learning needs, the school system offers online classes as an option for disciplined, self-motivated students who desire this technological platform for learning.
In compliance with Senate Bill 289, online courses for the Lowndes County School System can be accessed through Georgia Virtual School. The rigor of the Georgia Virtual School (GaVS) courses mirrors the high level of expectation students are held to within the Lowndes County School System. Interested parents or students should meet with the school guidance counselor for more information. Requests for courses through other online vendors must be evaluated on an individual basis. See your guidance counselor before registering for consideration of credit. Only courses taken through Georgia Virtual School (or another online provider contracted by the Lowndes County School System) will be funded by the Lowndes County School System.