Instructional Materials
American Legacy Publishing – Used by elementary teachers and students for Social Studies instruction (K-3).
Clairmont Press - This resource provides social studies content that meets the state standards and requirements for 6th - 8th grade.
Envision Math - Middle school math resource that focuses on deep conceptual math understanding aided by visual models, personalized learning, and 3-act tasks. It is problem-based learning, visual learning, and differentiated learning curriculum. It makes math relevant to students, helping them see how it works for them in their everyday lives.
Eureka Math – Used by students in our elementary grades for math instruction.
Gallopade – Gallopade Georgia Experience covers all Georgia Standards of Excellence in Social Studies (new). The program will be used with all students grades 4 through 8 as the main teacher resource to teach the GSE Social Studies standards
Handwriting Without Tears – Used by elementary teachers and students for handwriting instruction.
HMH ELA/Reading - HMH Journeys is the elementary instructional tool that uses informational text and fiction text to build reading skills, writing skills, speaking and listening skills, and language skills.
HMH Science – HMH Science focuses on core disciplinary ideas and concepts that build from kindergarten to twelfth grade.
Novel Sets - This is a collection of novels that students read in ELA classes to address the standards of reading, writing, speaking, and listening. These novels are used in grades sixth - twelfth.
ThinkCerca - This is a research-based literacy framework for reading and writing across subjects in grades 3-12. It creates K-12 writing software and curriculum to help students become strong readers, writers, and critical thinkers.