Title III
TITLE III, PART A Program Overview
Title III, Part A: Language Instruction for English Learners and Immigrant Students of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 as Amended under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) P.L. 115-141, enacted March 23, 2018, awards subgrants to eligible Local Education Agencies (LEA) “to help ensure that English learners (ELs), including immigrant children and youth, attain English proficiency and develop high levels of academic achievement in English. In addition, Title III, Part A is supplemental to the LCS ESOL program.
The LCS Title III Program has 3 requirements:
Supplemental Language Program
Outreach to Families of English Learners
Language Focused Professional Learning for Administrators and Teachers
Supplemental Language Program
Only students coded as EL-Y (English learner Yes) and ESOL-Y (ESOL Served- Yes) in the student information system are eligible to be coded Title III served if the student is served with Title III funds. Lowndes County Schools provides supplemental language support to specific English learners as needed. EL-Y students are served in an ESOL class and who are benefitting from a supplemental program purchased with Title III funds are coded Title III served in the LCSS SIS. Parents are notified of supplemental support through Combined Parent Notifications for ESOL and Federal Programs Language Services letter sent home within 30 days of the student's enrollment in the school systems. Throughout the school year, parents of students receiving Title III support are also invited to parent outreach events at each school to learn about these programs.
Outreach to Families of English Learners
Lowndes County Schools provides parents and families of ELs with opportunities to be active partners in their child's educational experience. Parents can learn how supplemental English language support benefits the ELs in order to increase English language proficiency and academic achievement. In addition, English classes are offered throughout the school year.
Resources for Families of English Learners
Colorin ColoradoMy Child is an English Learner Flyer-English
My Child is an English Learner: What does that mean? - English
Mi niño es un Aprendiz del Idioma Inglés: Que significa esto? - Espanol
My Child is an English Learner: What can I do to support my child? - English
Mi niño es un Aprendiz del Idioma Ingles: Que puedo hacer para apoyar a mi niño? - Espanol
What are the English language development standards? - English
Cuáles son los estándares para el desarrollo del idioma Ingles? - Espanol
What does the ACCESS Score Report tell me? - English
Que me dice el Reporte de Resultados del ACCESS? - Espanol
Language Focused Professional Learning for Administrators and Teachers
Administrators and teachers of English Learners participate in professional learning offerings from GATESOL, annual ESOL conferences, Coastal Plains RESA, WIDA, and GaDOE. In order to participate in ongoing, job-embedded professional learning, all mainstream teachers of English Learners, administrators, and academic coaches participate in the Lowndes County Schools Teachers of English Learners Google Classroom which is designed to improve instruction and assessment of English learners, as well as, teachers’ ability to understand and implement practices, measures, and strategies specific to ELs. The following information is shared with administrators, academic coaches, and mainstream teachers of ELs through this electronic platform:
EL Professional Learning Opportunities for Administrators and Teachers of ELs
Newsletters for Administrators
Strategies for Teaching English Learners
WIDA ELD Standards
Helpful Websites
ACCESS testing
Annual ESOL/Title III Review
Family Outreach to Parents of Title III Served English Learners
How to Communicate with Families in their Preferred Language
Redelivery of professional learning from webinars, conferences, and workshops
Title III Immigrant
An immigrant student must be born outside of the United States or Puerto Rico, be enrolled in a United States school for less than 3 years, and be between the ages of 3 and 21. When students enroll in LCSS, the registration form requires parents to document the student’s country of birth, date entered the United States, and date first enrolled in a United States school starting with the student’s first year in kindergarten. This information is entered into the Student Information System (SIS), Infinite Campus, in order to identify immigrant children and youth. Immigrant status is based on September 30th through September 30th dates over a three year range.
Complaint Procedures
Any individual, organization, or agency may file a complaint with the Lowndes County School System (LCSS) if they believe and allege that LCSS is violating a federal statue or regulation regarding the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA). The complaint must allege a violation that occurred not more than one (1) year prior to the date the complaint is received unless a longer period is reasonable because the violation is considered to be systemic or ongoing. A written complaint should be addressed to: Lowndes County Board of Education, Attn: Federal Projects Director, 1592 Norman Drive, Valdosta, Georgia 31601.