We’ve read ALL the feedback from the LoCoTechnoExpo, and we wanted to follow through on one request -- provide the resources for the sessions in one convenient place. SO, we’ve asked presenters to add their resources (if they had any) to the schedule we shared out. Access that schedule and all of those resources HERE!
BIG THANKS to all of our presenters for agreeing to participate, sharing their expertise, and then also sharing their resources! And thank you to LHS for sharing their campus -- it was so nice to have our entire OneLowndes family learning together!
Want to see some of the pictures from the day? Here is our collection. We would love for you to add the ones you took as well to this Google Drive folder.
Another note to celebrate, we made the newspaper and the ABC local news because of your presentations and learning. But, the best PR of all was this awesome video created by our very own Lauren Odum.
As requested by several, a link to the LoCo Techno Expo Playlist
To see all of our Three Cs Champions, go check out and "like" the LCS Technology Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/LCSTechnology/ It is a great place to get ideas from some of our best teachers. Also, we would love to share your Three Cs lessons on our page!